How to lose hefty medical bills in six steps

Beyoncé used to sing a lot about bills, bills, bills. But apart from the usual bills, telephone bills and automo’ bills, your medical bills will give you a small heart attack when you see it. Frankly , they are not all uncommon either. So here are several steps you can take, just to keep youContinue reading “How to lose hefty medical bills in six steps”

Burden after death and how life insurance can help

Talking about death is eerily uncomfortable, so naturally, it’s not a topic often brought up in a ‘normal’ conversation. Uncomfortable as it is, we need to talk about it as death, as we all know, won’t escape anyone.  When you leave this world, you would certainly hope to leave behind a good name that peopleContinue reading “Burden after death and how life insurance can help”

‘I’m insured by my employer. Do I still need my own insurance?’

If you have a job that takes care of your medical needs, consider yourself lucky as medical costs are only getting more expensive and unaffordable by the day! Just recently, a RM346K hospital bill of a Covid-19 patient admitted to ICU for 46 days made rounds on social media, shocking netizens with some saying thatContinue reading “‘I’m insured by my employer. Do I still need my own insurance?’”

3 insurance types you should already have

Question: What insurance should I get? Answer: There are 3 must-have insurance you should get. You’re healthy now doesn’t mean you’re safe from any serious illness or injury. If anything were to happen, are you financially prepared for the loss of income and expensive medical costs? You should get insurance or takaful for you (andContinue reading “3 insurance types you should already have”

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