Think insurance is not worth it? These 3 stories will change your mind

This may sound ridiculous but did you know that David Beckham insured his legs for approximately $140 million? For the football superstar, clearly he knew that serious injuries to his legs could bring an end to his illustrious football career. So if he could no longer ‘bend it like Beckham’, at least he’d still beContinue reading “Think insurance is not worth it? These 3 stories will change your mind”

Why do you need insurance now, more than ever?

Life will always test us without a moment’s notice, stopping us from living our everyday lives to the fullest. What if we told you that there is an answer for moments that can burn a hole in your pocket? This is where insurance comes in, covering the costs that could happen, so you don;t haveContinue reading “Why do you need insurance now, more than ever?”

3 Covid-19 vaccine myths you shouldn’t believe

We’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as Covid-19 hospitalisation and ICU admissions are showing reductions in Labuan, Sarawak, Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Their similarity? At least 40% of their adult population have received their second dose of Covid-19 vaccine. Despite these encouraging results, many are still afraid ofContinue reading “3 Covid-19 vaccine myths you shouldn’t believe”

Vaccine done: Is it safe for you to travel? Dine in?

As relaxed SOPs begin to take place last 10th August 2021, fully vaccinated individuals are slowly crawling their way back to normal life – working, dining in (phase two states) and basically bringing things back to what it was. Fear, however, still grips us, what more with the continued rise in daily cases and withContinue reading “Vaccine done: Is it safe for you to travel? Dine in?”

Why life insurance is important in Malaysia?

We know there are many Malaysians out there that will come across this at some point in their lives: Do I need life insurance? The short answer is yes, and you need it now. Let’s go through some of the most common questions and reasons people have (yours might be one or more of these)Continue reading “Why life insurance is important in Malaysia?”

Pro tips you should know before buying insurance

Healthcare, especially the good ones, will cost you an arm and a leg, even for the simplest of procedures. Being a healthcare professional in the past, serving at a private hospital, we know that in health, every time you pop a pill, it is money into the hospital’s coffers. How do you avoid hefty medicalContinue reading “Pro tips you should know before buying insurance”

Guilt Trip: Why Are You Not Reviewing Your Insurance Policy?

Did you know Malaysia is currently one of the highest in the region in terms of healthcare cost? In 2018 alone, Gross Medical Inflation was 15.3% before it rose to 16.1% in 2019. Though numbers went down to 14% in 2020, it is most likely to rise again in 2021. What does this mean toContinue reading “Guilt Trip: Why Are You Not Reviewing Your Insurance Policy?”

Is my employee coverage enough?

Medical bills. Looking at the current state of healthcare in Malaysia, medical treatments, especially the ones that you prefer, will cost you an arm and a leg. As with the case of a majority of Malaysians, you are made to pay exuberant medical bills out of your own pockets and will be forced to liveContinue reading “Is my employee coverage enough?”

Do I need critical illness insurance?

Medical bills are expensive, and though you may pay for it like ICU charges, day care treatment and many more; it is life post -recovery that will probably land you in the red, and may put you at risk of bankruptcy. This is where critical illness insurance steps in. But, do you need it? SinceContinue reading “Do I need critical illness insurance?”

Here’s how the pandemic can get you quicker access to a doctor

Previously, you are forced to take half-a-day of work off, just to spend hours waiting at the hospital to see your doctor. However, with the pandemic, this is one occurrence we are no longer made to go through with telehealth or an online doctor’s appointment. Trust us when we say people are happy about this.Continue reading “Here’s how the pandemic can get you quicker access to a doctor”

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