Think insurance is not worth it? These 3 stories will change your mind

This may sound ridiculous but did you know that David Beckham insured his legs for approximately $140 million? For the football superstar, clearly he knew that serious injuries to his legs could bring an end to his illustrious football career. So if he could no longer ‘bend it like Beckham’, at least he’d still beContinue reading “Think insurance is not worth it? These 3 stories will change your mind”

3 Covid-19 vaccine myths you shouldn’t believe

We’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel as Covid-19 hospitalisation and ICU admissions are showing reductions in Labuan, Sarawak, Negeri Sembilan, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya. Their similarity? At least 40% of their adult population have received their second dose of Covid-19 vaccine. Despite these encouraging results, many are still afraid ofContinue reading “3 Covid-19 vaccine myths you shouldn’t believe”

Why life insurance is important in Malaysia?

We know there are many Malaysians out there that will come across this at some point in their lives: Do I need life insurance? The short answer is yes, and you need it now. Let’s go through some of the most common questions and reasons people have (yours might be one or more of these)Continue reading “Why life insurance is important in Malaysia?”

‘WFH’ is great but here are some health concerns arising from it

Many of us are indeed grateful for work-from-home arrangement (or WFH) and hope that it will stay even after the pandemic ends. But in spite of its perks, many of us are increasingly experiencing screen fatigue, sluggishness, and even burnout contributed by WFH. 

The right procedure to claim for your medical insurance

Making medical insurance claims is easy. Really. All it takes is 4 easy steps. “Wait a sec…claims? I have my medical insurance. Why must I foot my hospital bills first?” When it comes to medical insurance, there are “Cashless Policy” and also “Reimbursement Policy”.  For a Cashless Policy, indeed, you don’t have to pay forContinue reading “The right procedure to claim for your medical insurance”

Important! Don’t buy medical insurance before understanding these 5 key terms

Since you’re here…our best bet is you’re thinking of getting yourself medical insurance. Congratulations, you’re just one step away to getting protected. But some, if not most, insurance terms sound so alien that you can hardly understand what they mean. You can’t risk entering into an agreement that you don’t understand! Stop furrowing your eyebrowsContinue reading “Important! Don’t buy medical insurance before understanding these 5 key terms”

Burden after death and how life insurance can help

Talking about death is eerily uncomfortable, so naturally, it’s not a topic often brought up in a ‘normal’ conversation. Uncomfortable as it is, we need to talk about it as death, as we all know, won’t escape anyone.  When you leave this world, you would certainly hope to leave behind a good name that peopleContinue reading “Burden after death and how life insurance can help”

‘I’m insured by my employer. Do I still need my own insurance?’

If you have a job that takes care of your medical needs, consider yourself lucky as medical costs are only getting more expensive and unaffordable by the day! Just recently, a RM346K hospital bill of a Covid-19 patient admitted to ICU for 46 days made rounds on social media, shocking netizens with some saying thatContinue reading “‘I’m insured by my employer. Do I still need my own insurance?’”

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