The right procedure to claim for your medical insurance

Making medical insurance claims is easy. Really.

All it takes is 4 easy steps.

“Wait a sec…claims? I have my medical insurance. Why must I foot my hospital bills first?”

When it comes to medical insurance, there are “Cashless Policy” and also “Reimbursement Policy”. 

For a Cashless Policy, indeed, you don’t have to pay for your medical expenses out of your own pocket. With most Cashless Policies, you simply have to present your medical card to a panel hospital, and if you don’t have a medical card, you just have to contact your insurer to issue a Letter of Guarantee to the hospital. As simple as that.

On the other hand, a Reimbursement Policy requires you to pay for your medical expenses upfront and later claim for a reimbursement.

All good?

Let’s get to the 4 steps you need to follow to get your reimbursements in time.

1. Prepare the documents required by your insurer

Typically, these are the documents that your insurer requires:

  1. A copy of your NRIC/passport
  2. Original hospital receipts and invoices
  3. Itemised hospital bills
  4. Diagnostic reports (e.g. blood test and X-ray)
  5. For treatment outside of Malaysia, include passport copies, boarding pass, flight ticket details, and original itemised bills

2. Fill in your claim forms

Simply download claim forms from your insurer’s website and fill them in! 

But if you can’t find the claim forms online, give your insurer a ring so they can get you the forms.

Note that certain policies require your doctor to furnish a Medical Examiner’s Statement, which is basically a medical report of your diagnosis and treatment. Not sure whether your insurer needs one? Don’t be shy, just holla your insurer. It’s their job to help you!

3. Review and make copies of your claim forms

Double-check your claim forms and the required documents.

While you’re at it, make a physical or digital copy of each form or document before submitting your claim. You may need them should there be any issues with your claim, so be prepared!

4. Submit your claim

Submit your claim either directly to your insurer through their branch or through your agent.

Some insurers allow you to submit your claim online, so do check with your insurer!

Now sit back, relax, and wait for your money to be reimbursed. 

PS: Submit your claim ASAP! Most reimbursement policies require you to submit your claim within 30 days of the incident. So don’t wait too long, your insurance company may not accept your claim!

See, it’s not that complicated, right?

Still think it’s too much of a hassle?

Bjak’s online medical and life insurance will handle everything for you if you’re one of our policyholders. Our claim assistance is available 24/7, 365 days a week and all claims are handled by claim experts with a cumulative experience of over 50 years.

Learn more here: Bjak


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Published by Nur Adilah

Learning every day to hone my thinking, research and writing skills.

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